Thursday, December 29, 2005

Advent Now

I've reposted my Christmas story of last year on my blog, and it's gotten me thinking. I focused on the classic Christmas story and didn't get into the world surrounding it, but... what would that world be like?

Here's the premise: Jesus is born in 2004. 2005, if you like. Thus, Christianity doesn't hit the scene until at least 2035. What does that do to the world, especially Western Civilization? Cwruidth, I wanna hear your thoughts on this one. Heh.


1) The British form no substantial colonies in North America.
2) The Rennaissance takes on a distinctly different flavor, if it happens at all.
3) What the heck happens to Rome?

Obviously we have no Protestant Reformation, no Spanish Inquisiton, and no Crusades. No Roman Catholic Church in the West and no Greek Orthodox in the East.

*head spins*

Have fun.


Blogger Third said...

Hands down, no contest: The Persians and the Arabs would be running everything west of the Himalayas. East of that, probably not much changes.

8:01 PM  
Blogger Brian Armitage said...

Okay, cool, but... there would be no Islam, as it exists today. Interesting. This makes me wanna go read more stories from the 1,001 Nights.

9:48 AM  
Blogger Third said...

i'm curious: Why would there be no Islam as exists today?

11:10 PM  
Blogger Brian Armitage said...

Ah, a botch on my part, corrected by a few moments' research. I've heard that Jesus and Moses were supposed to have appeared to Mohammed during his revelation, so naturally I assumed a bit more of an influence from Judaism and Christianity.


I've not retained much I've learned about Islam, I'm ashamed to say. Nor have I taken the time to learn more about it.

6:08 PM  

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